Creative Ways To Enjoy the Snow With Kids

Once winter arrives and the snow starts falling, it can be harder than it was during warmer months to find ways to keep kids entertained, especially with any outdoor activities. Even though it can be a challenge coming up with outdoor fun for kids when the days are colder, here are some of our favorite ways to enjoy the snow with kids this winter:

Fun With Ice Bubbles

When the temperature drops and there’s snow on the ground, take the kids outside to crunch in the snow in their boots and bring along some bubbles to blow. As long as it’s below 32 degrees outside, kids will have fun watching their bubbles freeze on their bubble wands.

Snow Painting

Grab a few spray bottles and fill them with water that has been colored with different food coloring and let them enjoy spraying the snow to their hearts content. The snow will turn colors wherever it’s sprayed and kids can enjoy creating a masterpiece without making a big mess indoors.

Snow Castles Instead of Sand Castles

During the summer, kids love to gather in the sandbox and create sand castles, but when the snow is falling, why not try making some snow castles instead? Grab the same buckets and molds used during the warm weather months or make use of cake molds to create some snow cakes that are perfect for a pretend winter tea party.

Night Snowmen

Add a magical twist on this year’s snowman with the help of glow sticks. You may decide to build a normal snowman with your kids during the day and then sneak out after dark to add a few glow sticks to various areas of the snowman for a special surprise or build a glowing snowman together once the sun has gone down.


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