Specialist in Glow in the Dark and UV Black Light Neon pigment powders as well as Thermochromic, Hydrochromic, Photochromic and Chameleon Color changing pigments, dyes and powders.
Suitable for use in Fishing Lures, Nail Art, Crafting, Screen printing and powder coating or fluid bed applications.
Please check out our how to pages, links and blog pages for information.
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  • Glow in the Dark ProFX GDI Invisible Neutral Pigment, longest lasting strontium Aluminate

    Invisible Neutral Glow in the Dark and Day time Visible Photo-luminescent Pigment Powders are designed to be a white or off white in the day and Glow a specific color in...
    From $7.50
  • UV Neon Visible Black Light Pigment

    UV Neon Black Light pigment powders ( UVR). We currently produce 13 colors. These pigments use optical brightness to Fluoresce really brightly. What that means is during the day they...
    From $8.00
  • UVI Invisible Neutral Black Light Neon Paint

    UVI Invisible or Neutral neon black light fluorescent paints are clear when dry during the day and fluoresce brightly under ultra violet black light ONLY. They do not glow in...
    From $9.50
  • GDV Visible Glow in the Dark Pigment Powder

    Day time Visible Photo-luminescent Pigment Powders are designed to be a colored in the day and Glow a specific color in the dark. These pigments are sometimes called GDV, Visible, Neon GDV!...
    From $8.00
  • UV Invisible Neutral Pigment

    UV Invisible Neutral Pigment . UVI ( Invisible Black Light Neon Pigment) is a white based pigment powder that will only fluoresce under UV Black Light. The UV rays from...
    From $7.50
  • GID GDV Large Grain Glow in the Dark Sand Crystals

    Glow in the dark GDV, GDI or GID Sand, Large Grain Crystal is made from the purest strontium aluminate doped europium. There are 4 main daytime neutral or invisible colors...
    From $7.95
  • Medium Additives & Thinners

    (AIR) - Air Brush Medium: Designed to thin down paints so they work more efficiently in an airbrush (FAB) - Fabric Medium: Used to help in the adhesion of paint or...
    From $6.99
  • Gun Night Sight Glow in the Dark Basic Kit

      GloMania Glow in the Dark Gun Sight Marker Kit (New and Improved!) One of the BEST TOP Selling Glow in the Dark Gun Sight and Scope Marker kits in the...
  • Chameleon Directional Color Changing Specialist Pigment

    Chameleon powders are a specially optically advanced pigment that has multi faceted sides each being able to reflect the color at different frequencies. This allows you to see different colors...
    From $19.99
  • UV Neon Black Light Fluorescent Pigment Powders 10 Col Set

    Glomania UV Neon Black Light pigment is a super fine talc like powder pigment that can be used for a wide variety of Art and Craft Projects. Its main quality...
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Glow in the Dark | Fabric Paints | UV Black Light | Glomania | Photochromic Acrylic Paints | Nail Art | Pigments
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Glow in the Dark | Fabric Paints | UV Black Light | Glomania | Photochromic Acrylic Paints | Nail Art | Pigments
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